Difference between Open Circulatory system and Closed Circulatory System.

                                                Open Circulatory System

1) In this the blood is direct contact with the tissue cells.

2) Exchange of material occur directly between the blood and tissue cells. 

3) Blood flow by sinuses without proper walls.

4) In open circulatory system blood has very low pressure.

5) The flow of blood is very slow.

6) Blood flow cannot be regulated, so that this system is less efficient.

7) Because of no red cells, the respiratory pigment dissolved in the plasma of blood. 

8) Open circulatory system found in Prawns, crabs, spiders, insects and most mollusks like snails. 

                            Closed Circulatory System

1) In this the blood is not direct contact with the tissue cells. 

2) Exchange of material between tissue and blood occur via tissue fluid.

3) Blood flow by blood vessels with proper walls.

4) In this system the blood has high pressure.

5) The flow of blood is high.

 6) Blood flow can be regulate, so that this system is more efficient.

7) Respiratory pigment dissolve in plasma but usually held in red blood cells. 

8) Closed circulated system found in Earthworm, certain mollusks and all vertebrates.

Some Important Questions.

Q1. What is the Sinuses? 

Ans. Blood flow direct in Open tissue space is known as Sinuses.

Q2. What is blood vessels. 

Ans. Blood flow in closed tubes like arteries and veins are known as blood vessels. 


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