
Showing posts from January, 2023

What is Homeostasis, Osmoregulation and Excretion?

  Homeostasis - homeo means same and stasis means standing. The definition of homeostasis is maintenance of the constant internal environment of the body. Internal environment is very necessary for normal life processes. The osmoregulation, excretion and homeostasis are inter linked with each other. Osmoregulation and excretion help in maintaining chemical and fluid homeostasis.  Osmoregulation- It is the process in which they regulate the body salt and water content. This process maintain the composition of the body fluids at steady state for efficient metabolism in the cells. The body fluids are of two types- i) Intracellular fluid- Found within the cells. ii) Extracellular Fluid - Found outside the cells.  Excretion - It regulates the volume, composition, ionic contents, pH and osmotic pressure of the body fluid by removing substance in harmful quantity and conserving material necessary for normal functioning of the body. Excretion maintain the homeostasis. All body fluids exchang

Body Fluids and Circulation?

  Blood and Lymph are the two body fluids which constant supply the useful materials and simultaneously remove the waste substances. The main materials that need to transport in the body is gases, nutrients, hormones, waste materials and molecules. Blood and Lymph fluids are used by most of the higher organism. Circulation of blood fluids is also known as circulatory system.  Fluid is circulate inside the body by Intracellular circulation and Extracellular circulation.  Intracellular circulation- It occur in unicellular organisms. All the substances are distributed by regular streaming movement. It also brings carbon dioxide and nitrogenous waste near the cell membrane. Paramecium, Amoeba are the example of intracellular circulation.  Extracellular Circulation - some animals have additional techniques of fluid circulation outside the cell.  1) Environmental fluid circulation - Some invertebrates have no circulatory fluid. These animal circulate the surrounded water through the caviti